26 January 2006

face on the pacific ocean floor

we have to give a lot of credit to jeff crouere. he has a lot of interesting guests on his radio program other than the usual political people although jeff is a political animal.

on tuesday the 24th january 2006, crouere had a guy on his show named lloyd stewart carpenter who was talking about a "polar shift why the earth is about to tip over on its axis." this means according to carpenter that "the north pole will become the south pole and the south pole will become the north pole." carpenter says this theory was first popularized back in the 1980's in a book called "reversing earth" by peter warlow.

warlow hypothesizes that it will take about 24 hours for the earth to tip over on its axis and most people wont notice anything other than "russia will become more like south america and south america will become more like northern russia." carpenter says that one thing that warlow didnt take into consideration in his book is that earths magnetic field will change at the same time so there will be no more electricity. mankind will revert to tribal living. scientists know that the magnetic field of the earth changes or reverses about once every 50,000 years and its been well over 50,000 years since thats last happened.
Above we see a side by side tracing next to the FACE on the Pacific Ocean Floor.

carpenter claims that there are over 5,000 active volcanos within this "face" that he discovered years ago. they are also called "the ring of fire."
Above is a scan of the Rand Mc Nally© Map of the Pacific Ocean Floor.

you can listen to this interesting interview below.

link to audio page
note: we record (talk radio) files at 32 kbps in order to save file size we apologize if the sound is a little "hollowish" sounding, we have noticed that they sound good in windows media player.
website of lloyd stewart carpenter: www.777news.com


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