12 February 2006

Heh, Heh, Heh, Ethics Law

louisiana's old boy network in action

c b forgotston has uncovered a story here about these two.

Rep. Jeff Arnold, D-Algiers, father is Algiers Assessor Tom Arnold,

Rep. Alex Heaton, brother of Orleans 7th District Assessor Henry Heaton

these two are on the house ways and means committee, the committee considered hb 50 and killed it 6-8.

the bill a constitutional amendment would have helped lower the number of orleans tax assessors from 7 to 1. its the right thing to do because two-thirds of new orleans citizens are still not back. and most wont and there is no place for all anyway.

neither one of them should have been allowed to vote or take part in the debate but our question is simply this - what were the other 6 thinking that voted with rep arnold and rep heaton? the six that voted yes you're not off the hook either. 14 representatives voted out of 14 representatives we dont have even one honest representative not one that will stand up and say what your doing is wrong. no way can anyone convince us that not one single representative on that committee knew about arnold and heaton's family connections. so again we ask why didnt someone stand up and raise so much hell on the committee floor that arnold and heaton would have had no choice but to abstain? how can they get away with this? why isnt the ethics board investigating? the whole world's watching blah blah blah...

- if the legislature is serious about making this legit..[but how many of their lawfirms and friends would get rich off the litigation...] then they should reconvene and void this vote in favor of a legitimate one...and if someone could be arsed to investigate and to bring charges the guilty should be locked up, even if it includes the entire house ways and means committee and the whole legislature.

forgotston writes:

According a media account (here) two leges may have violated the state Heh, Heh, Heh, Ethics Law by voting on matters affecting members of their “immediate family.” The case at hand involves an effort to eliminate the 7 assessors in the New Orleans where the son and brother of two of the assessors voted to kill the effort. more here
snip from nola.com
The House Ways and Means Committee, with two of its members related to assessors, voted 8-6 to defer action on a proposed constitutional amendment to reduce the number of assessors in New Orleans. House Bill 50 by Speaker Joe Salter, D-Florien, would have needed a two-thirds vote to clear the Legislature and approval of a majority of the voters in the state. Also, if it had reached the ballot and passed in all 63 parishes but was defeated in Orleans Parish, it would be dead.

interested in filing a Heh, Heh, Heh ethics complaint? heres how:


A potential violation of any law administered by the Board of Ethics can be reported by submitting a complaint to the address below:

2415 Quail Drive, Third Floor
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808

Complaints filed with the Board must be in writing and signed by the person submitting the complaint. The complaint should also contain sufficient information for the Board to determine whether a potential violation of any law within the Board's jurisdiction is presented. Complaints are confidential and it takes a vote of at least eight members of the Board to refer a complaint to investigation. Persons filing non-sworn complaints only receive notification of the final disposition of the complaint. Alternatively, a complaint may be sworn before a notary. Such a sworn complaint may be referred to investigation by a majority of the Board. A copy of a sworn complaint must be mailed to the person it is against. Otherwise, sworn complaints are treated confidentially. Persons filing sworn complaints must be notified of any action taken on the complaint.

It is a misdemeanor to reveal any information about an Ethics Board investigation.
updated 06 may 2007 to fix broken html links

1 comment:

  1. thanks
    you're right and its shameful if this vote is allowed to stand.


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