08 February 2006

la house governmental affairs cmte approves voter fraud

**updated** 10:00 am cst thursday 09 february 2006

rick farrar 318 484 2210 called rep farrar's office to say that we opposed hb 12 and sb 16 the voter fraud bills - his secretary said "thank you and i will email the representative to let him know."

joe mcpherson 318 484 2211 called sen mcpherson's office left a message on his machine to please vote no to hb 12 and sb 16.
today around 4:25 pm the louisiana house of representatives governmental affairs committee passed house bill 12 which enables "voter fraud" by allowing displaced citizens to register to vote by mail and vote by mail without proving who they are. there is no need to change the voting laws in our state as there are already adequate absentee voting laws in place. oh sure representative jefferson-bullock the bills sponsor and who we might add is the daughter of u s representative william "dollar bill" jefferson (himself being investigated for corruption) stressed that this is just a "one time only" allowance its still a precedent and an uneeded one at that.

we will just have to get out our bud nippers and contact our representative and senators and nip this in the bud when it hits the house and senate floor.

louisiana state representatives that support voter fraud are:

arnold - yes
bruneau - yes
lafonta - yes
pitre - yes
lancaster - yes
jefferson-bullock - yes

voting no:
montgomery - no
smiley - no

absent or not voting:

.mp3 audio of the house committee roll call vote here: http://freewebs.com/lurgis


  1. I expected this. Louisiana will never learn ... sad.

  2. chris theres a link to your site over in the sidebar we put it there when we noticed that you linked to here.


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