22 March 2006

DynCorp May Replace Cops in St. Bernard Parish

**updated** 2:55 pm cst tuesday 28 march 2006

we saw this story from cbs news about "katrina looters" chad has linked from dp right now. towards the bottom of the story it mentions st bernard sheriff "proposed hiring 100 private security guards from DynCorp..."

Katrina Survivors Combat Looting

we just came across this article published on 14 march. sounds scary.

It’s a good thing I don’t live in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. If I did, I’d refuse to accept the authority of DynCorp, the renta-cop and mercenary corporation that may soon replace the police in the storm-ravaged parish.

In the first paragraph of the Washington Post article announcing the possibility of DynCorp renta-cops (or in the case of Bosnia, renta-whore-mongers) patrolling St. Bernard Parish, we are told this is necessary because “hundreds of stark white trailers soon to be inhabited by Hurricane Katrina evacuees” will “hide criminals and become an incubator for crime” and pose “another test” for the “cash-strapped sheriff’s department” of the parish.

1 comment:

  1. I find it funny how certain people are against Dyncorp securing parts of Louisiana. Yall may have forgotten, but it was Dyncorp who helped to evacuate several hospitals and used one of it's helicopters to even come back to rescue some animals. If it weren't for guys like this, your state may have become a bigger mess than it already is. Like it or not, these or the guys who can get the job done. They were on the ground helping out in Louisiana with evacuation efforts before the National guard even got into full swing. Then in came their competitor company Blackwater shortly thereafter. Many of the Dyncorp guys are current law enforcement officers on leave from their regular jobs. Many of these same guys are better trained and equipped to handle the problems that may arise upon the return of the people. While they may not be cheap, you get what you pay for. And you always have someone bring up Bosnia, which does not even relate to this mission at all. Just like any business, you have a few bad apples, and once they are discovered they are removed. So if it were up to me I would welcome Dyncorp into Saint Bernard and thank them for givig up their regular lives for us.


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