20 March 2006

HB111 more stupid laws courtesy rep lafonta

apparantly, representative lafonta doesnt have anything better to do than sit around and think up ridiculous bills to file. now do we really need to criminalize roofers? representative lafonta wants to make it a state law that roofers will have to go around, with a magnet mind you, to pick up any stray roofing tacks. pardon our naivete but isnt that part of the negotiation process between you and your roofer? besides have you seen any roofers lately? do you really want these people walking around your property peering into your windows under the guise of picking up tacks? or more importantly do you really want to pay extra because it will mean more man-hours for someone to do this?
**updated friday 23 june 2006 1:26 pm**
ah ha! see what we mean:

Criminals Turn Up On Metro Area Construction Sites

Travers Mackel
June 23, 2006, 12:36 p.m. CDT 46 minutes ago

U.S. marshals say criminals are turning up on construction sites around the sites around southeast Louisiana.

Since January, U.S. marshals in New Orleans have arrested dozens of construction workers wanted for crimes in other states.

In fact, on Thursday afternoon a man was picked up in Metairie for a burglary and kidnapping.

Neighbors who live in the area shouldn't be happening and they want the workers to be properly screened.

James Chatelain has a long way to go before he can move back into his Metairie home.

In the next few weeks, construction workers will be in and out of his house and he wants his contractor to properly screen anyone going inside.

"He needs to check people's records before he hires them," said Chatelain.

Chatelain's concern comes after U.S. marshals picked up a suspect who was working with a construction crew just one block from his house.

"That really bothers me in a way," said Chatelain.

The problem is growing.

Marshal Brian Fair said his office and other agencies pick up about a dozen suspects every month. They're men who are working in New Orleans but wanted for crimes elsewhere.

"There was a guy we picked up of a rooftop in Metairie who was part of a Texas prison gang and wanted for two murders," said Fair.

Fair said the construction market is the lure for anyone on the run.

"It's ripe for that kind of activity with all the cash flowing through here. People are coming to work and hide out that way," said Fair.

Metairie construction worker Kendal Durban said he had no idea that one of the guys working next to him was wanted.

"I see two police come up and take one guy away that's very stupid because they're going to get caught and it makes it hard for us to get work," said Durban.

Even harder, according to some homeowners, is gaining the trust of people they?re working for.

"There's no way the police department can check on everyone here," said Chatelain.

Fair said most of the suspects the marshals have picked up haven't committed any crimes in this area. He said in almost every case, they're just hiding out, and trying to avoid prosecution in other states.

Fair also urge all construction foremen to properly screen and conduct backup checks on all workers.

The U.S. Marshals Service said it only focuses on suspects and fugitives from the United States.

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