26 July 2006

50 Most Beautiful People on Capitol Hill

**updated thursday 26 april 2007** we're sorry but it appears that the hill has removed this article/webpages from its website.
added 6:59 pm cdt 26 july 2006
the girl in the top picture is kelli bondy an aide to rep. piyush "bobby" jindal (r-la.) and the girl in the bottom picture is melanie roussell, press secretary to rep. william "dollar bill" jefferson (d-la.)
original post
the hill has posted what they proclaim to be the "50 most beautiful people on capitol hill." heres one of our favorites. click the link to view all 50.

Majida Mourad
She handled international energy issues as a senior aide to then-Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and now as a partner and vice president at the Abraham Group.


  1. Pressed for a romantic date, she comes up with a doozy. A former boyfriend flew her to London and told her she could go anywhere in the city. She picked Harry's Bar. They have great truffle pasta, she says.

    Nice gal. Real low maintenence.

  2. lol chad scary huh? luckily we have zero chance of meeting any of these women. ms mourad is in our opinion the prettiest one on the list.

  3. Interesting how the prettiest is also the most demanding... kind of like a hot sports car... good to look at, fun to drive, but ya better have a fortune to spend if ya want to keep her happy.

    Incidentally, I drive a Honda civic...


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