26 September 2006

sec'y of state race

we would say yes. jay dardenne (left) is a fake republican and doesnt stand for nuffin. the other one francis heitmeier like dardenne is a long time louisiana state senator.

this article is pro mike francis but he was recently held in contempt of court in a civil suit by his exwife prohibiting him from taking money from his business and using it in his campaign. according to the new orleans times-picayune the ex ms. francis is giving money and supporting jay dardenne. wtf? none of the three of them is fit to possess the great seal of the state of louisiana much less over see our election apparatus.

heres the list of sec'y of state candidates from the sec'y of state website vote for one of the others...

related posts:
  • mike francis held in civil contempt of court
  • sec'y of state candidate mike francis
  • s.o.s. jay dardenne
  • jim brown on jeff crouere show
  • jim leggets piece on sec'y of state candidate jim crowley
  • francis heitmeier enters sec'y of state race
  • darth mccain endorses mike francis
  • la state senators betrayal noted
  • senator jay dardenne to run for sec'y of state
  • dardenne ding-a-ling
  • new sec'y of state candidate carla dartez
  • dardenne ding-a-ling post attracting attention

    1. well, we feel the same way that you do however for better or worse we will vote a straight libertarian ticket. the good thing if there is one is that the the sec'y of state is up for election again next year.

    2. nah we're life long registered republicans however the party at both the state and federal level has been hijacked by a bunch of crooks and criminals that are not true repubicans. it shocks us that so many so called republicans can blindly support either the national or state party when its obvious that the party has morphed into something totally foreign and alien.

    3. ps we've been meaning to change our party affiliation from republican to libertarian or independent or even no party. these past 6 years of the bush regime has really opened our eyes as to the criminality of the republican party. its also shown us that party propagandists like jeff sadow, jeff crouere, clay young, emily metzgar and so forth arent true republicans either or they would be speaking out against what is going on. instead they go right along with and propagandize for all the criminality.

    4. jay dardenne is a fake republican a/k/a RINO assclown whos going to lose to francis heitmeier.


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