31 January 2007

coonass is the new nigger


good grief when did "coonass" become a racial epithet?

we dont know who this guy warren perrin (see link ) is, but he sounds like the most uptight frenchman in louisiana. so how did he become the president of the le Conseil pour le développement du français en Louisiane? beats us, because when one thinks of the cajun's one thinks of pirogues, crawfish and crawfish boils, pig roasts, fiddles and accordions, dancing, bonfires and of course beer. you know, having a good time and being free. so perhaps mr. perrin has found a way to seize his fifteen minutes of fame or something oh and with the added benefit of kramarizing nick saban. we really wish people would stop making mountains out of mole hills and quit telling us how to act and think. just stop it. how dare they try and put the word "coonass" in the same offensive category as other genuine epithets.


  1. the lsu angle is interesting. if true they should be ashamed of themselves for manufacturing this non issue. one reason they should be ashamed is like we tried to explain is because it makes real racist words like "nigger" or "wop" "chink" etc be taken less seriously.

    we suppose that there are some elitist types within the cajun community that dont like that word but all the cajuns we've ever been associated with dont have a problem with it.

    paw paw has a good post about it here

  2. lol. hell yeah! you need to post something about it.

    its too soon for this post to get on google but we have had a few hits today (one even from auburn university) by people googling "nick saban, coonass" etc through the google blog search.

  3. ps -- it might be helpful for hits if you switched on your site feed by going to

    dashboard>settings>site feed>blog posts feed full>save settings

  4. well for instance we use firefox browser and it has a built in feed reader called "live bookmarks" so if someone subscribes to your feed they can click on your blogs name within their feed reader and see when you have updated (without actually going to your blog) and they can click on that individual post or your last several posts.

    internet explorer 7 also has a feed reader but we dont know how to use it.

    also if you burn your site feed with for instance www.feedburner.com that makes it easier for the search engine spiders and bots to find your feed -- they also get pinged when you update.

    we posted about the fire fox live bookmarks awhile back and probably need to update it but this should give you some idea of what we are talking about.


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