09 April 2007

louisiana reservoir of corruption 2007

the conservative cajun snip:
Years ago, state legislator Francis Thompson (D-Delhi) introduced legislation to construct a state-funded lake at Poverty Point. The total project has cost Louisiana taxpayers $48.5 million. Thompson also owns a home at Poverty Point and bought and sold lots in the ONLY private subdivision that is situated in the new state park!!

On top of that, Thompson’s brother, Mike, was hired by the state as a consultant, being paid to travel the state, promoting the lakes and reservoirs at $100k per lake.

Now, other state politicians want state-funded lakes for their own districts. This means that while our roads are the worst in the nation, education system is failing and our coast is rapidly eroding, many of our elected lawmakers want to spend hundreds of millions of dollars building more lakes throughout Louisiana.

Will we ever be able to send these crooked, arrogant politicians home and rid our state of these good ole boys?

But speaking of weasel politicians...click here to read more
see also
Some question need for reservoirs
Advocate Capitol News Bureau
Published: Apr 8, 2007
related posts
  • louisiana reservoir of corruption series links page
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