23 April 2007

rich dupree emails

NOTE: if you arrived at this post by googling eliot spitzer+prostitute+ashley alexandra dupre click here
we received some fascinating scanned copies of emails concerning pineville chief of staff rich dupree, the alexandria aces and louisiana college. below is commentary from the the louisiana way forum:

From a public records request, made prior to Pineville's current lawsuit, it was seen that the City of Pineville sends thousands of dollars per year to the Alexandria Aces baseball team, and to Louisiana College Athletics, a private Christian college. In 2004, $10,000 was given to LC. However, a recent public records request, by retired Pineville Fire Chief, Gary Morrow, now connects the dots for us. Some of the emails Chief Morrow obtained, from Rich Dupree, Executive Assistant to the Mayor of Pineville seems to buttress his recent complaint on Mr. Dupree to the Louisiana Ethics Board. We see several interesting things, from a sample of those emails published on: http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/.

First, it appears clear that Dupree is using his City of Pineville emails, and much of his public payroll time, to conduct business for a couple of radio stations, Louisiana College Athletics and the Alexandria Aces. He is the Aces stadium announcer, and also seeks use of their letterhead to get a job for his son, and get tickets for his wife. He even tells the Aces where he wants her to sit. He also advises the Aces on who to contact in the new City of Alexandria administration, as that could be useful to the Aces in the future. He also appears to be connected with Tiger FM, which broadcasts the Aces ballgames.

The arrangement with Louisiana College seems somewhat different. At LC, it appears that he, and his clone, Pineville City Councilman, the most reverend Nathan Martin, announce those games for their radio station. Dupree may have possible stopped LC from paying him directly, and, instead, pay his radio station. Dupree does appear to get, directly from LC, clothing, food and travel. If Dupree has violated any Ethics rules, it appears that Martin may have also. Besides discussing Martin in his emails, see Martin's website at: http://www.nathanmartin.net/. You will also see, from the listed activities, why you will probably not see these matters in the Town Talk, are their former business associate's newspaper, the Northside Journal.

Several interesting questions need answering:

1). Why was Morrow not charged the $95 per hour attorney time, and $45 per hour paralegal time, which the City of Pineville is seeking from me in its lawsuit?

2). Is this the type of damaging information that Pineville seeks to keep from me?

3). Is Dupree paid by the Aces, Louisiana College, or any radio stations which Pineville does business with?

4). Why are the citizens of Pineville paying Dupree to handle the business affairs of the Aces, Louisiana College Athletics and a couple of radio stations, and furnishing him a computer and email account from which to do so?

5). Does Dupree, or any other Pineville official, receive anything else "of value" from any other enterprises doing business with Pineville.

It looks as if the Dupree-Martin gang, of Pineville, is involved in similar shady dealings as the Lawson Crew in Alexandria. These are the exact reasons that the public records laws allow us to shine a light on our government officials. More to come, and check out http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/ to view some of Dupree's emails.

source: http://www.louisianaway.com/forums/index.php?topic=724.0

click picture to enlarge
note: in some browsers you might have to click the picture again to enlarge it fully. in most browsers: to save a copy to your own computer right click and save.
email - aces_1
email - aces_2
email - aces_3
email - aces_4

email - louisiana college_1
email - louisiana college_2

public records request city of pineville invoice
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