12 June 2007

calling out the alexandria city council

**updated see video: calling out the alexandria city council part 2

far right: charles johnson, middle: mayor jacques roy, left: coo kay michiels
foreground at left: bridgett brown
click link for video blog via kalb.com

alexandria city councilman myron lawson to city of alexandria attorney charles "chuck" johnson: "do you think that this council would violate any law?"

"chuck" johnson: "i think that there is some people on this council who are actively colluding with partys who are adverse to the interests of the citizens of alexandria yes i do."
kalb snip:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Alexandria City Council Erupts in Fight over Lawyer - Part 1

In the video below the Mayor of Alexandria Jacques Roy and City Attorney Chuck Johnson are engaged in a heated conversation with City Councilman Myron Lawson. At issue is what power the city attorney has and if he has the right to take a legal position for the council without its approval.

You may recall the council was to meet in executive session to hear an update on the CLECO mediation. The meeting ended and the council met with the mayor in open session to hash out the issue of what lawyers can or can not be present for the executive session. Most of the arguments stem from the idea that councilman feel they are not being told the details about the CLECO mediation and some want to allow attorney Bridgett Brown to attend closed door meetings.
video part two
video part three
see also
central la politics blog
let's sue the alexandria city council
related posts
  • video: calling out the alexandria city council part 2
  • ====

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