11 June 2007

the hill: tauzin is unnamed lawmaker in wm jefferson indictment

yep we knew there had to be a republican in the woodpile somewhere.

billy tauzin
former louisiana congressman

the hill snip:
Tauzin is unnamed lawmaker in Jefferson indictment
By Kevin Bogardus
June 11, 2007

Former Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.) is the unnamed lawmaker mentioned in the Department of Justice's indictment of Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.), according to a document obtained by The Hill.


The so-called mystery lawmaker, according to the charging document’s limited description, was a member of the House of Representatives who was “a prominent member of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection.” Johnson confirmed Tauzin was an “ex officio” member of that subcommittee since he was also chairman of its full committee at the time.

Tauzin possessed substantial clout on Capitol Hill; his signature praising iGate was significant for the influence it could wield. Before departing Capitol Hill after the 2004 elections, Tauzin spent roughly 25 years in the House -- 15 of those as a Democrat. The former congressman led the powerful Energy and Commerce panel for his last two terms.

“As a favor to our colleague, Billy had someone from our staff look at the technology,” said Johnson. “Billy was very interested in whether this technology could help underserved areas such as southern Louisiana.”

Dated Oct. 22, 2002, Tauzin’s letter was written on his congressional letterhead and addressed personally to the iGate CEO, starting, “Dear Vernon.”

Jackson pleaded guilty to bribery of Jefferson, spending roughly $400,000, and was sentenced to seven years in prison in September 2006.
click link to read more from the hill
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