02 June 2007

h.r.743 permanent internet tax freedom act of 2007

h.r.743 is a bill by california congresswoman anna g. eshoo that will "make the moratorium on internet access taxes and multiple and discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce permanent." this is certainly a worthy bill to support and the record shows that it has seventy-three co-sponsors.

alarmingly however, perusing the co-sponsor list here the names that are not on this list are troublesome yet telling. for instance, we dont see piyush "bobby" jindal's name on this list, nor ratney salamander errr turn-coat rodney alexander, we dont see jim mccrery there either. richard hugh baker's name is noticeably absent. louisiana's coonass caucus charles boustany (actually rep. boustany is part lebanese so he just might be a terrist or a cross-dresser like klinger) and charlie melancon is nowhere to be found. why?

william jefferson's name is there as a cosponsor though...so is ron paul.

click picture to enlarge
see also
cnet news.com
net taxes could arrive by this fall

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