19 June 2007

kalb media lies

yesterday, on kalb's five and six o'clock news we noticed that they were promoting their video blog posts about the 12 june 2007 alexandria, la city council meeting. kalb (along with the town talk) are promoting the three clips of this meeting as some sort of true and complete record...however, this is a lie because when you compare our video copy of the meeting which was released by the city of alexandria under the louisiana public records laws which in effect means that city certifies under penalty of law, that this is a true, complete and accurate copy, with kalb's video blog clips, you can easily see that at least the first nine minutes five seconds (9m5s) of the meeting was edited out of kalb video blog clip one.

the wst... copy (again, obtained directly from the city) is twenty-eight minutes thirteen seconds (28m13s) long.

the kalb video blog clips:

kalb video blog
clip one length:
6:32 (six minutes thirty-two seconds) (this is the one with the first nine plus minutes mysteriously missing).

kalb video blog
clip two length
8:04 (eight minutes four seconds)

kalb video blog
clip three length
4:22 (four minutes twenty-two seconds)
total: 18:58 (eighteen minutes fifty-eight seconds)
actual video length 28:13 (twenty-eight minutes thirteen seconds)
total: 9:15 (nine minutes fifteen seconds) of what kalb is promoting as the copy to watch of the city council meeting is missing. why?

its not like kalb didnt know about the existence of our certified true and complete copy of the city council meeting video either, because as you can see from this screen grab of our hit counter, kalb was on our blog yesterday for hours prior to the five and six o'clock news.
click picture to enlarge
ho hum just another day in cenla...

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