17 August 2007

video: alexandria city attorney charles johnson

Veto Expected
duration: 0:03:02
City Council members passed an ordinance
enabling members to hire two lawyers,
the administration says it can not
be legally done.
"this is not just a political dispute between the mayor's office and the city council, this is a fundamental disagreement about the way our system of government is structured and the way that authority is allocated between the executive and the legislative branches...this cant legally be done because there is no mechanism in our city charter which allows this process. the legal division is run by the city attorney. all of the lawyers who work for the city are supervised directly by me...it's contrary to our home rule charter, it's contrary to the case law in this area, it's an unprecedented attempt to usurp the authority of the executive and we will never sit by idly and allow this to happen"
- alexandria, la. city attorney charles "chuck" johnson.
click the link to watch video or go to www.klax-tv.com and navigate to the interview.
more later...
see also
babs zimmerman
alexandria rumble
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