Total of 8 defeated out of 257
they have convicted alaska senator ted stevens listed as reelected, however, his election results are still up in the air.
louisiana house members who voted yes and were reelected:
rodney alexander - H.R.1424: the bailout vote was held in the house of representatives on friday 03 october 2008. the very next day, saturday 04 october 2008, la-05 reelected rep. alexander by a margin of 90% - ninety freaking percent! thus confirming that 9 out of 10 of the registered and voting republicans in la-05 are too dumb to vote and can not be trusted with the vote. for rep. alexander's yes vote, alexandria, la. was treated to a short visit by caligula.
charles boustany
charlie melancon
jim mccrery - retiring
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