07 February 2009

H.R.1 katrina mary landrieu snellings votes against killing acorn funding

last night (friday, 06 february 2009) the senate voted on senator david vitter's s.amdt 107. the purpose of the amendment was to prohibit direct or indirect use of funds to fund the association of community organizations for reform now (acorn) and katrina mary landrieu snellings voted against the amendment which was rejected 45 - 51.
SA 107. Mr. VITTER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 98 proposed by Mr. Inouye (for himself and Mr. Baucus) to the bill H.R. 1, making supplemental appropriations for job preservation and creation, infrastructure investment, energy efficiency and science, assistance to the unemployed, and State and local fiscal stabilization, for fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 431, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following:


None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used directly or indirectly to fund the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). ~ source
faux news excerpt:
House Republican Leader John Boehner issued a statement over the weekend noting that the stimulus bill wending its way through Congress provides $4.19 billion for "neighborhood stabilization activities."

He said the money was previously limited to state and local governments, but that Democrats now want part of it to be available to non-profit entities. That means groups like ACORN would be eligible for a portion of the funds.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., told FOX News Tuesday that the money could be seen as "payoff" for groups' political activities in the last election. ACORN generally supports Democratic candidates and actively backed President Obama last year.

But he said the funding is just one example of frivolous spending items in the $825 billion package.

"It's just a long list of spending items. Not a real economic stimulus job creation bill," Vitter said. "It's line after line after line of favorite liberal spending programs, and it amounts to a big government bill -- not a job creation bill." ~ read more
for an alternative view see:
daily kingfish
vitter gets spanked in the senate

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