27 April 2009

piyush "bobby" jindal now regrets vetoing sb 672 legislative pay raise fraud bill

piyush "bobby" jindal
louisiana's rino governor
[T]he governor recently told a meeting of the Republican legislative delegation that he regretted vetoing the raise.

“It was at a delegation meeting that I missed,” said Sen. Mike Walsworth, R-West Monroe. “But I heard about it.”

Asked about the governor’s comment that he made a mistake, Sen. Mike Michot, R-Lafayette, said “I believe he was talking the vetoes of members’ projects – and the pay raise, too.”

The Legislature last year approved a raise more than doubling their salaries. The governor at first said he would not veto it but after considerable public outcry, he did on June 30, 2008, shortly before the deadline for issuing a veto. ~ read more
wst... note: lafayette rino mike michot, voted for sb 672 and mike walsworth voted no
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