18 May 2009

HB 480 redlight scamera ban bill: a first hand account of the house committee hearing

valiant lafayetter and australian redflex scamera foe joel henderson's testimony before the louisiana house of representatives committee on transportation, highways and public works, monday 18 may 2009.
HB 480 First-hand account of the committee meeting today

Jack Montoucet was firmly against these cameras. He told me point blank at a Clyde Holloway function recently that he was opposed to these cameras and would firmly vote against them given the chance. He point blank told me that night that it was a money making scam and everyone knew it. He got a ticket and was furious about it. He was more than 100% opposed to these cameras and let everyone know it. At least that was his position that night.

Then all of a sudden – he had a change of heart (over this past weekend I suppose). He’s re-thought his ticket experience and realized it’s changed his driving behavior . He is now for the cameras. And today he provided Redflex with a the much needed vote to kill HB 480. Having the swing vote is a very valuable thing.

So after the vote when people started to leave, I went up to Jack and asked him a simple question……..what did they give you for you to change your mind? He freaked – he started screaming at me in the committee room. And pointing his finger at me. Don’t you ever accuse me of……blah blah blah. I simply responded. Jack. It was just a simple question. Just what did you get?

Also, after the committee hearing Charlie Buckels ran up to me and started doing something really weird with his lips. Sort of a smooch noise. I guess he was saying “kiss my ass”. That’s the only thing I can think. Then he sarcastically asked how my little state court case was going. So I immediately asked him how many checks has he’s been writing out of the republican party check book to get support for his company Redflex. As you may or may not know, Charlie Buckels is the Vice Chairman of the Republican Party, and recently he was the state party treasurer.

The people were certainly out-numbered by the paid for lobbyist today. Jeff Arnold pointed out that not one person who spoke in opposition to his bill was a regular voter. That every single one of them had something to financially gain by these camera programs.

Denice C. Skinner, Lafayette Parish Republican Party District 6

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