11 October 2009

jimmy faircloth wows the holy rollers over in ball

are "preachers," "churches" and politicians ever going to stop using this "testimony" trick?

the penetcostals are promoting mr. faircloth's appearance as his giving "a testimony" but this was no testimony -- at least as most christians understand what giving a testimony is.

are there any honest pentecostal, baptist and protestant preachers left in louisiana who arent willing to whore-out their pulpits in exchange for a seat at the table of political power?

from the video watch page description:

Jimmy Faircloth - Candidate for Louisiana Supreme Court Visits The Church of Pentecost - Ball, LA

Jimmy Leaves us with a testimony and I want to share it with our viewers.

Disclaimer: By placing this video on our Youtube site, it does not imply that we endorse Mr. Faircloth. We are just glad that members in politics show their faith by visiting with us.

We welcome all members of any political party to our church

We Are Located in Central, Louisiana near Alexandria.

For directions, visit our website at



Category: News & Politics