21 May 2010

peabody magnet warhorse basketball head coach charles smith ksyl interview

congrats to head coach smith for being recognized for all his years of hard work and dedication to warhorse athletics and the community and for his personal integrity in taking an interest in and helping out the young men entrusted to his care by being awarded espn national coach of the year.

the thing about head coach smith is that he never ages. he looks the same today as he did years ago when we attended peabody.

we also remember head coach smith's predecessor, head coach ernest bowman. no we didnt play basketball are you crazy? head coach bowman was also the sponsor of the chess club.

head coach bowman was also a very youthful looking man. hard to believe that he was at retirement age in 1985.

there must be some kind of fountain of youth going on over in the peabody boy's gym. we sure are thankful that we had the opportunity to drink from that well.

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