19 January 2011

state supremes revoke noland james hammond license to practice law; permanently prohibited from being readmitted to the practice of law

In Re Noland James Hammond
G.L. and I.S. were inmates at the Bunkie Detention Center in Avoyelles Parish.

In October 2003, respondent visited the jail and told Mr. L. and Mr. S. that he was an attorney, that he was familiar with the circumstances of their cases, and that he believed they had been wrongfully convicted.

Respondent advised the men that he believed he could obtain the reversal of their convictions, resulting in their immediate release from jail, but that he would need samples of their semen in order to do so.

The following day, respondent returned to the jail accompanied by a sixteen year old girl whom he identified as his “assistant.”

Under the pretense of requiring an attorney-client contact visit, respondent obtained permission to meet with Mr. L.and Mr. S. in a private office, along with his “assistant.”

Once the four were alone, the girl performed oral sex on Mr. L. and Mr. S. while respondent videotaped the encounter
UPDATE: 21 january 2011: ganett/the town talk: alexandria attorney noland hammond permanently disbarred for misconduct or click here to download three page .pdf [66 kb]
UPDATE: 25 january 2011:
see: aba journal
now-disbarred lawyer purportedly produced jailhouse sex video to pursue appeal for clients
and also
legal profession blog
case of the week