28 September 2011
richard lee mcnair writes to wst...
richard lee mcnair is the prisoner who escaped from the federal penitentiary at pollock, grant parish, louisiana on 05 april 2006 and remained at-large until 25 october 2007 when he was captured by the royal canadian mounted police at campbellton, new brunswick, canada.
when mcnair escaped we posted about it a few times and over time posted a few follow-ups; it turns out that mcnair would monitor wst...
mcnair included his note in a letter package he sent to canadian crime reporter, byron christopher, who is writing a case study on mcnair's life and times. mr. christopher first scanned it and emailed it to us then mailed the original.
we've since written to mcnair directly.
note: "amw blog" means america's most wanted, a tv program.
see also
the richard lee mcnair label
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