01 February 2012

angelo bracey vs city of alexandria, la: so called gold firm takes it in the shorts on alexandria firefighter termination

now here is another interesting case just posted to the third circuit's website.

it also involves private investigator, mark gravel, investigating a city employee.

we might submit an La. R.S. 44:1 et seq., public records request for all the surveillance video and private investigator files.

the city's stance in this case is inexplicable, considering that alexandria mayor, jacques roy represented pineville, la., fireman stephan jones against the city of pineville and the pineville municipal fire and police civil service commission [docket 220,225 "c" petition for declaratory judgment and injunctive relief] in his wrongful termination case.

the stephan jones pleadings contain some fine legal writing by the mayor.

anyway, within that request we would also want the invoices and cancelled checks to see just much in legal fees etc., that the so called gold law firm soaked the city of alexandria, la., taxpayers for. including the $721.50 that the third circuit assessed against the city of alexandria for all costs of this appeal.

kudos to ninth judicial district court judge harry randow.
click here to download eight page .pdf [172 kb]

edited 6:23 pm cst 01 february 2012