24 September 2012

cenlamar.com awarded the 2012 ashley morris award

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on 22 september 2012, the 2012 ashley morris award was awarded to local blog cenlamar.com.

accepting on its behalf, its creator and publisher, lamar white, jr.;  in his prepared remarks mr. white said the principals that guide his blogging and advocacy are:
to write fearlessly, this allows you to become vulnerable the thought of which at first is unsettling, actually becomes empowering; be human - when wrong dont be afraid to apologize; be exhaustive, do your homework - people will take notice.
the ashley morris award is named for the late dr. ashley morris who was a passionate new orleans blogger, activist and thinker a minority for sure; yet one, whose irateness, tirelessness and keenness at setting brush fires in people's minds, on behalf of new orleans with his blog ashleymorris.typepad.com earned him a lot of respect in the blogosphere and elsewhere.

professor morris passed away in april 2008. he was 44 years old.
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