29 November 2012

faith ford & alexis crew productions before the alexandria, la., city council

with faith ford; her husband campion murphy and their associate chad bailey (sp?) tuesday, 27 november 2012, appearance before the alexandria, louisiana city council's finance and legal affairs committee, details of their plan to teach the film making craft to locals has become clearer.

the below news report from gannett/the alexandria daily town talk which appeared on their website here and on page a-3 of the wednesday, 28 november 2012, print edition, is a pretty accurate recital of what the acp managers had to say.

although ms. ford's plan doesnt call for a full blown brick and mortar film school as we'd originally hoped, we still support it as long as using taxpayer money is just a one time occurrence. inkind contributions are a different matter.

one thing that does concern us is that the plan as presented doesnt seem to leave much room for error. it really does seem like a one shot attempt.

like she said, ms. ford & acp have some thirty years experience in the film industry. they have valuable knowledge that they are willing to share;  we hope that their project is a success.
click picture to enlarge
alexis crew productions, l3c, was registered as a low profit limited liability company with the louisiana sec'y of state on 19 november 2012