18 November 2005

nola.com sound off forum

this is a pretty good blog to go on and debate it has a pretty good core group of regulars that are around all the time... and who knows how many lurkers
heres an example of some posts on there

65718. nola's empty pate
by carolinafats, 11/17/05 18:29 ET
speaking of super domes, how is hizzoner of the empty pate (not plate, pate, but plate is apropos) doing these days?

still aint got them school buses rollin?
65718.1. Shoot! Forming...
by CiiiTiiSon, 11/17/05 18:44 ET
Re: nola's empty pate by carolinafats, 11/17/05
...Committees and study groups is hard work-- and of Tectonic(plate) proportions, too.
65718.2. FEMA is going to put up some festive curtains,
by cranemom, 11/17/05 18:53 ET
Re: nola's empty pate by carolinafats, 11/17/05
strap a port-o-lit to the back door and use the buses for evacuees to stay in.

Will make it easy to evacuate the next time, just drive outa there.
5718.2.1. Somebody...
by CiiiTiiSon, 11/17/05 18:58 ET
Re: nola's empty pate by carolinafats, 11/17/05
...Said they could either roe or wade outta Dodge.
65718.2.1.1. Was that a real statement or has that been an
by cranemom, 11/17/05 19:01 ET
Re: nola's empty pate by carolinafats, 11/17/05
ongoing joke? I just can't believe any one would say such a thing.

1 comment:

  1. nola.com is run by Advance.net. Both bite a syphillitic Turk's bone. Nola.com actively suppresses individuals' speech - especially if they are of a conservative perspective. The anus in charge is named Jon Donley. He is a complete ass and I hope he gets a terminal disease. Most of the jerks who run nola.com apparently have NO connection to New Orleans, and probably couldn't find it on a map (funny how they seem to know where all of the gay bars are though). Crap on nola.com - I hope that once the Justice Department gets a chance to review their practices, that Advance.net gets put out of business, and all of their employees are forced to eat their children as a cheap alternative to turkey at Thanksgiving.


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