20 January 2006

throw the book at him

**updated** 6:09 am cdt wednesday 12 july 2006 - we have noticed people arriving at this post from googling "gaylon ledington" if he was your friend or family member we are sorry for your loss. click here to view his obituary from the town talk and click here to view his obituary from hixson brothers funeral home. see also Comrades mourn deputy's death; funeral set for Thursday
**updated** friday 14 july 2006 the alexandria, louisiana daily town talk is reporting:
Fund established for deputy's family

A memorial fund has been established to benefit the family of Rapides Parish sheriff's Sgt. Gaylon D. Ledington.

Donations to the fund will go to help his wife and two daughters. Donations may be made to the Gaylon Ledington Memorial Fund at any branch of Hancock Bank.

Originally published July 14, 2006
click here for the hancock bank branch locator
**updated** 4:10 am cdt thursday 20 july 2006
today the alexandria, la daily town talk has published a letter from mr. ledington's mother and family its reproduced below:

Son touched many lives
Your Mail

The loss of my son, Gaylon Ledington, in a traffic accident has left my family heartbroken and devastated. But in the midst of this tragedy, the outpouring of love, kindness, friendship and sympathy, along with our faith in God, is helping to sustain us.

Words cannot express how much each kind word, hug and prayer has meant to us. The people who contacted us in person, by phone, through the online condolences of Hixson Brothers and through cards and letters will be things we will talk about and read and re-read over the months and years to come.

We didn’t know until now how many lives he had touched in his few short years, but by your actions and words, we now know there were many.

The honor paid to him by his superiors, his fellow officers and other law enforcement agents was befitting a great dignitary. We were overwhelmed and that picture will remain with us forever.

Thank you to each and every one.

Barbar Ledington
and the family of Gaylon Ledington

Originally published July 20, 2006

original post

living in a rural area has its disadvantages and one of them is that every few years some jokers come through and bash a bunch of mailboxes. ours and about 100 other people's was last bashed in the summer of 2003. its really hard to catch them as you can imagine because they tend to do it in the middle of the night. these kids think its great fun to go round bashing mailboxes but they dont stop and think that a lot of elderly people on fixed incomes cant afford to go out and spend $20. to $50. or more for a new mailbox every few years and then the hassle of installing it or having someone install it. a lot of the times the pole has to be replaced as well resulting in extra expense.

Man arrested in mailbox vandalism case
Town Talk staff

A Hineston man was arrested on multiple charges early Friday in connection with 14 cases of mailbox vandalism in the Kelleyland subdivision, according to the Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office.

Thomas Kirby Miller, 19, of 291 Pilgrim Road in Hineston, was stopped around 2 a.m. on La. Highway 1 after allegedly running over 14 mailboxes in the subdivision, said Rapides Sheriff's Office Sgt. Gaylon Ledington.

Miller was charged with driving while intoxicated, speeding, possession of marijuana, and having no driver's license in his possession.

Miller remained in Rapides Parish Jail late Friday. Bond details were not available, officials said.

Originally published January 20, 2006

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome that they caught him, Lurgis. I hope they make an example out of him.


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