**********note for 2013: this blogger posts that he saw hummingbirds at his rapides parish home on 18 march 2013
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana,
8:37 am cdt, saturday, 30 march 2013

broad tailed hummingbird photo courtesy ajschroetlin's photos
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana,
9:35 am cdt, thursday, 29 march 2012
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
11:27 am cdt tuesday 30 march 2010
====hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
4:38 pm cdt sunday 03 april 2011
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
5:01 p.m. cdt sunday 29 march 2009
====hummingbirds return to rapides parish louisiana
11:42 am cdt tuesday 25 march 2008
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
11:14 am cdt wednesday 21 march 2007
originally posted 1:16 pm 30 march 2006
today at 12:53 pm louisiana time we just happened to look out the kitchen window to notice that our fave hummingbird was buzzing around the spot where we always hang our feeder.hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana,
9:35 am cdt, thursday, 29 march 2012
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
11:27 am cdt tuesday 30 march 2010
====hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
4:38 pm cdt sunday 03 april 2011
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
5:01 p.m. cdt sunday 29 march 2009
====hummingbirds return to rapides parish louisiana
11:42 am cdt tuesday 25 march 2008
hummingbirds return to rapides parish, louisiana
11:14 am cdt wednesday 21 march 2007
originally posted 1:16 pm 30 march 2006
now this is interesting because the hummingbirds in years past usually return around 17 march - we noticed they didnt return last year until 01 april because like this year we had some late cold snaps.
there is no way you can tell us that they dont return to the same place every year - how else would they know to come to the exact spot where the feeder was hanging last year?
anyway heres how to make hummingbird nectar - mix 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water stir until dissolved. there is no need to boil the water but you can if you want to.
DO NOT! add food coloring to the nectar as that is unhealthy to the hummers and might kill them. the red color of the feeder is what attracts them, not the color of the nectar.
now soon you too will be able to enjoy the massive air wars around your place.
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