27 April 2006

dardenne ding-a-ling

we had already made up our minds a few days ago that we were not voting for this turkey for secretary of state - it was his vote in support of state senator and fellow fake republican julie quinn's sb 564 that we blogged about here that did it for us. dardenne's rather lame excuse for his vote yesterday against an abortion ban adds insult to injury:
Louisiana Political News Service:
Although abortion has been a controversial and divisive issue at the State Capitol in past years, the tone of Wednesday’s debate was calm and professional as the pro-life position has apparently gained great support over the past decade.

Only seven senators voted against the ban: Diana Bajoie, Jay Dardenne, Cleo Fields, Ken Hollis, Lydia Jackson, CD Jones and Ed Murray.

The target of immediate and intense criticism for his vote, Senator Jay Dardenne issued a statement at the end of the day claiming that he had accidentally pushed the wrong button on the voting machine on his desk. Pro-life leaders, who have fought Dardenne on a host of issues, ridiculed Dardenne’s claim, insisting that no veteran senator would make such a monumental mistake on a highly visible bill such as SB 33.

Adding to Dardenne’s credibility gap on the issue is his past support of a bill that allowed taxpayer funds to be used to finance abortions.

Republican leaders plan to meet with Dardenne to ask him to exit the race for Secretary of State and run for another statewide office at a later date so the senator can have time to recover some of the credibility he has lost overnight.

“The problem is simple: No one believes Jay Dardenne is telling the truth…that he pushed the red button instead of the green button by mistake,” one GOP leader insisted.
related posts:
  • dardenne ding-a-ling post drawing attention
  • la state senators betrayal noted
  • s.o.s. jay dardenne
  • sen jay dardenne to run for sec'y of state
  • ====
    fake republican watch:
  • la state senator julie quinn all style no substance
  • another pro tax fake republican la state senator mike michot
  • goofy g.o.p. chairman weighs in
  • ====


    1. thanks for the invite we wish we could make it down there this year. now that you mention it dont you find it odd that so many festivals are scheduled around the state at the same time? our blogging pal lamar white mentioned it today on his blog.

    2. You are just trying to kiss the dead pelican's a$$. Where is Chris Williams? Jay Dardenne is the man!

    3. lol nope chad didnt have anything to do with it. dardenne did it to himself. we havent heard from chris in awhile.

    4. hi kount thanks for your comment. we just call it as we see it. we arent involved with or working for any campaign. mike francis doesnt exactly thrill us either, in fact, we highly doubt any candidate actually "cares about louisiana" like you assert that sen. dardenne does.

    5. its our blog we dont have to be objective. you have read our dardenne posts and have decided that we have it out for him. well thats your interpretation you are welcome to it. jay dardenne and the secretary of state race is a very small amount of posts compared to the amounts of posts we have done. (over 400 so far)

    6. and besides sen dardenne has already shown by his voting record - he voted it we didnt make it up - that he is a fake republican. he doesnt follow the republican party platform or beliefs in our view he merely calls himself a republican because its presently fashionable and helps him to get elected in his district.

      since he has already demonstrably shown that he will not follow his own partys platform and ideals whats to say what he will do once in charge of the states papers and elections?

    7. you are certainly entitled to your opinions but we wonder since you come here from a computer from california, los angeles precisely just what you care about a louisiana election? who sent you here to post what amounts to the propaganda style called "glittering generalities?" who is paying you?

      anyway, what do you call a person who say they are one thing, that they believe one way then do things completely opposite? they are a liar. sen. dardenne is a liar dude.

    8. theres no ad hominum attack here. you are trying to shift the argument away from your candidates poor record and make it look like we are attacking you instead. thats just not so. you are trying to convince the electorate that we should just forget everything sen. dardenne has done previously like his voting record among other things, and that we are supposed to just start over fresh from his announcement that he is running for secretary of state. as voters we should take all things into consideration and not fall for this sleight of hand that you propose.

      as far as glittering generalities - all we know about that and the various other propaganda techniques is that which was taught to us by our ninth grade civics teacher.

    9. hi voice thanks for your comment. we are not focusing solely on sen. dardennes vote for abortion. dardenne supports eminent domain abuse as evidenced by his vote for hb1129. his vote for pork laden hb1 & hb2 and the like shows that he is a go along to get along do nothing legislator;

      we mentioned at the top of this post he voted for fellow fake republican sen. julie quinn's sb564 and a lot of other bills that violate republican principals (not to mention good sense) that we dont have time right now to research and post here.

      despite what sen. dardenne's cheerleader squad here thinks the truth is that he shouldnt even be in the legislature - lets send sen. dardenne back to private citizenship status where he can do the people of this state the least harm.

    10. ps. sen. dardenne also voted for hb685 the mandatory ethanol bill. this is another unpopular bill sponsored by a legislator (francis thompson) with questionable ethics and morals. this bill is just a political payback to blanco crony the shaw group as admitted to by ag sec bob odom in a kalb tv inverview.


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