17 July 2006

is president bush a retard?

we rarely watch the daily show. the humor just isnt that funny to us, however, host jon stewart nailed president bush in this bit. if you cant see the youtube embed click the link to go to youtube website.


  1. That's really, really, really bad. LOL.

  2. lol shocking isnt it. and we americans wonder why we are a laughingstock all around the world.

  3. boo hoo. Maybe someone won't like us and be our friend because of our president is worried about eating pork. Your people have no spine.

  4. lmao. its not about shrubs desire to eat pork. its about the inappropriateness of his comments. shrub has no couth.

    our advice to you anonymous would be to come down out of the trees, put on some shoes, stop breathing through your mouth, read a book for a change instead of watching american idol and similar brain rot, learn how civilized people interact with each other.


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