20 November 2006

dead pelican dirty tricks


imagine this, we awoke this morning and hit one of our favorite news websites only to find this headline and story (see link) accusing louisiana's democratic party in a press release of being racist for using congressman piyush "bobby" jindal's real name.

now excuse us for having a brain but its easy to see that the racist here is ol piyush. why you ask? well for one thing he is the one that repudiates his given name of piyush and instead substitutes "bobby" which according to adoption.com is an old english name meaning bright & famous. now whos the racist?

the republican party is supposed to stand for less government and lower taxes so where was the dead pelican when ol piyush was voting for massive and unconstitutional expansion of federal government? where was the giant headlines when piyush was voting for the usa patriot act? where was the dead pelican when ol piyush was voting for the military commissions act of 2006? where was the dead pelican when ol piyush was voting for the john warner national defense authorization act for fiscal year 2007? see also our long national nightmare has just begun , where was the dead pelican when ol piyush was voting for h.r.4844 the federal election integrity act of 2006 which isnt about elections integrity at all its about forcing more and more people into federal databases;

where was the dead pelican at when ol piyush was working to destroy america? why wasnt the dead pelican reporting that?
related posts
  • piyush "bobby" jindal
  • ====
    see also
    nola blogging kingfish oyster @ your right hand thief devils in the details
    and also
    learn the truth about piyush "bobby" jindal: jindalisbad.com

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