18 November 2006

fast talking bull-shit artist jindal to run for governor

as expected ol piyush "bobby" jindal has announced his intention to run for louisiana's governor in the 2007 election. see jindal asks supporters to load up war chest from the times-picayune.

its a good day for all of louisiana's dimwits as they cheer on this news. yesterday we noticed that the shreveport times has published a story in which they report that ol piyush is "praying" over the decision to run for governor. which brings us to the question of exactly which god ol piyush is praying to? its certainly not the christian god. ol piyush's own voting record in which he time and time again supports not only unconstitutional legislation but also (since piyush brought up the spiritual) anti christ legislation. no the god that piyush prays to must be the same murderous, bloodthirsty god of forces that george w. bush, his minions and all those that support him serve and worship.
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  • piyush "bobby" jindal
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