26 June 2007

personal privilege: senators schedler & romero

schedler & romero.mp3 here
13.6MB length 34:01

term-limited senators have been taking turns under their personal privilege rule to say their goodbyes to their fellow senators...sniff

today, senator tom schedler and senator craig romero had their say...

tom schedler district 11

screen grabs taken from senate stream
senator schedler said that his passion is healthcare, some of his legislation didnt pass or it was unconstitutional, he said that the process always frustrated him and that he always wore it on his shoulder, hes seen the good the bad and the ugly "but the point is that its a process." senator schedler said that he is from a highly affluent area, per capita, highly educated and sometimes people in areas like that, get caught up in "my god cant everybody understand the philosophy that we have or you have?" senator schedler said that louisiana is not st. tammany parish or lafayette parish and its not east baton rouge parish either..."because if it was, in a lot of ways, we would be a little bit higher ranking than we are." senator schedler said that there are areas in louisiana that are thirty to forty years behind the people of his district. and uh something like people had to get out of their "silk stocking districts" to see for themselves to believe that there are louisianians different to them.

well imagine that,
senator craig romero said that the reason he wanted to become a legislator was because when he was a parish president he spent over 50% of his time defending frivolous lawsuits and the straw that broke the camels back came when "a guy convicted of drunk driving sued and collected $850,000 dollars. in 1987, between christmas and new years he flipped his truck in a curve, tried to straighten out a curve, sued the parish claimed there was mud on the road it was in a very remote area of iberia parish. sugar cane fields on both sides, mcilhenny company, coincidentally owned the sugar cane fields property, they didnt farm the cane. the drunk driver even sued the tabasco company. he tried to get in their check book, iberia parish government was found partially at fault, paid 850k thats about as ridiculous as it gets." in trying to find out how this could be, all everyone that he talked to would say was "thats the way it is."

senator romero recounted about when he was in his first year in the senate - senator heitmeier was having a crawfish boil up in the balcony
(romero said that he and heitmeier roomed together) senator romero had his then 12 year old daughter hannah with him and was introducing her "to whoever is looking our way" when they came upon central louisiana's senator reverend b.g. dyess. senator romero said "hannah this is reverend dyess; hes the senator from alexandria." hannah just looked at him and said "a reverend and a senator isnt that a sin?"

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