14 November 2007

r.i.p. megan meier: more myspace evilness

we really wish we hadnt read this story....
via drudge retort
After Megan Meier committed suicide at age 13 last year, her parents learned that the boy she'd been corresponding with on MySpace -- the one who unexpectedly began calling her a fat slut and said "the world would be a better place without you" -- was a hoax created by the parents of a former friend.

Posted by rcade at 05:24 PM
click link for more
more info here

UPDATE: a defense attorney is interviewed on saturday 17 may 2008 about whether the charges against lori drew will stick or not.
UPDATE: friday 16 may 2008 Mom Indicted in Teen's MySpace Suicide
A Los Angeles federal grand jury indicted a Missouri woman on Thursday over an alleged role in a MySpace online hoax played on a 13-year-old girl who committed suicide. Lori Drew of suburban St. Louis allegedly helped create a false-identity MySpace account to contact Megan Meier, who hanged herself at home in October 2006 after receiving cruel messages, including one stating the world would be better off without her.
*UPDATE: according to a news article here by david hunn and joel currier in the 19 november 2007 st. louis today website the neighbors have been identified as lori and curt drew.

DARDENNE PRAIRIE — One night last week, well after most of the families in this quiet community went to bed, a half-dozen police cars sped down Waterford Crystal Drive, lights flashing.

A man, they were told, had been fatally shot inside a home.

Neighbors opened doors, peered out windows and watched. As many as 15 deputies, they said, drew weapons and charged the home of Lori and Curt Drew.

But there was no body lying in a pool of blood. No weapon in Curt Drew's hand.
The call was a prank, one of many at the Drews' home this year. A lawn job. A brick through a window. Threatening phone calls. Paintball attacks.

The neighborhood is angry.

Residents are struggling to understand what happened here, in two homes four doors apart.

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