14 January 2009

bridgett brown is a trip

alexandria, louisiana attorney, bridgett brown, holds up a sign reading "LIE" at a city of alexandria, la. committee meeting, tuesday, 13 january 2009. speaking from the podium is city of alexandria, la. mayor, jacques roy.

bridgett brown's louisiana state bar membership card.

loony looziana state attorneys are always good for a laugh; this isnt the first time ms. brown has acted so undignified -- in a 12 june 2007, special city of alexandria, la. council meeting her behavior was so embarrassing that her pals on the city council banned the governmental public access channel from ever rebroadcasting the meeting.

in yesterday's video that this screen grab is taken from, ms. brown displayed her sign upside down most of the time.

then, there is that other alexandria attorney, greg aymond, (who claims that he is a "former" member of the ku klux klan) who called some members of the alexandria city council a pack of nigger street thugs. of course there are attorney's like morris bart who's television advertisements liken his legal prowess with winning the lottery, i.e. "morris bart got me three hundred thousand dollars!"

all these show is that anyone in louisiana can pass law school and the louisiana state bar and that there is nothing special about lawyers and the practice of law at all - they are common as hell.

the loony looziana state bar needs a rule similar to what they have in the military about conduct unbecoming an officer - they need a rule about conduct unbecoming a lawyer - or if they have one, they need to enforce it. lawyers need to have some pride in themselves, how the public perceives them and perhaps, more importantly - in their profession.

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