22 April 2009

SB 312 dr paul connett speaks at lafayette mandatory water fluoridation meeting

wst... note: in the 2008 louisiana regular legislative session, corrupt, lake charles democratic state senator, willie landry mount, authored her senate bill number 312 which mandates the fluoridation of louisiana's drinking water.

sb 312 was pushed through the state house by monroe rino, kay "bucket of bolts" katz.

on 06 july 2008,
louisiana's rino governor piyush "bobby" jindal signed sb 312 into law becoming act 761.

a very shoddy news report from acadiana's self-proclaimed "news leader" - news suppressor is far more accurate.

click here to download this flyer [one page .pdf 280 kb]
to email and/or printout and give to your friends
Fluoridation fight takes on new intensity

Presentation against state initiative draws crowd

Claire Taylor • ctaylor@theadvertiser.com • April 22, 2009

A local group that successfully fought fluoridation of Lafayette's drinking water in the 1980s has resurfaced to fight the latest attempt mandated by the state.

The state Legislature adopted a bill in 2008 and Gov. Bobby Jindal signed into law Act 761 requiring fluoridation of drinking water by 26 public water suppliers that serve 5,000 or more customers in Louisiana. That includes Lafayette Utilities System.

"Years ago we had a group and kept it out of Lafayette," resident Jean Hunt said. She is a member of Citizens Opposing Fluoridation. "Our goal is to keep it out of the state and definitely out of Lafayette."

The group sponsored a presentation Tuesday night at UL by Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network which was attended by 70 to 80 people.

"It's a poor medical practice. It is unethical. It is unnecessary," Connett said of adding fluoride to public drinking water.

But many dentists and other health experts say fluoridation is the simplest way to protect children from tooth decay. About 60 percent of the United States population already receives fluoridated public water.

Engineers can control how much fluoride they add to drinking water supplies, but they cannot control how much water - hence how much fluoride - people consume every day, Connett said.

"You're forcing medication on individuals without their informed consent," which is unethical, Connett said.

Too much fluoride can be harmful, causing thyroid, dental and bone problems, he said.

Fluoridating water is an inefficient way to administer the chemical anyway, since most water is sent down the drain with baths, showers, washing machines and toilets, retired UL Chemical Engineering Professor James Reeves said.

Twenty-three studies in four continents show too much fluoride reduces a child's IQ and causes brittle bones in the elderly, he said.

Niall Campbell of Lafayette has personal reasons for opposing the state mandate.

"Because it's a toxic waste and I'm going to have my first grandchild in August, and it will be raised here in Lafayette," she said. link or download .pdf

Want to join?

Against fluoridation of drinking water?

Join Citizens Opposing Fluoridation by e-mailing them at


or by calling:




Water systems that do not fluoridate water

Acadiana water systems that do not fluoridate drinking water and serve more than 5,000 customers include:

* Lafayette Utilities System

* Broussard

* Carencro

* Opelousas

* Breaux Bridge

* St. Martinville

* Abbeville

* New Iberia (LAWCO)

Source: Healthy Smiles Louisiana

Opting out

Lafayette can opt out of the fluoridated water requirement with:

* A petition signed by at least 15 percent of registered voters

* And a local election.

see also
the sb312 label
in the footer of this post
and also
dr. paul connett's website: fluoride action network
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