19 May 2009

HB 687 louisiana rethugs war on poor children dental care fails to pass house...for now

UPDATE: HB 687 to be reconsidered week of 26 may 2009
after a long and often impassioned debate over slidell, louisiana, rethuglican kevin pearson's house bill no. 687 it failed to pass but is up for reconsideration.

HB 687 seeks to prohibit in school based dentistry and makes absolutely no sense.

we've uploaded the video of today's house floor debate and vote -- it runs about an hour -- and you can see for yourself.

video added 7:32 am cdt wednesday 20 may 2009
video direct link

what a pathetic excuse for a legislator rep. kevin pearson is (who is misidentified in the video as rep. perry) notice how he cant even explain his bill in a way that makes sense. also notice when rep. sam jones offers his amendment how rep. pearson gets on his cell phone most likely to get instructions on how to oppose the amendment.

rep. pearson knows that what he is doing is not right but he is a puppet.

how in the hell did this clown get elected to the legislature? but then again, how does any of them get elected?

on the state legislature website he lists his occupation as a "financial advisor" and if you are one of his clients you just might want to reconsider who is handling your financial affairs or you might find your own children in need of in school based dentistry.

the vote was 51 yeas to 37 nays (someone changed their vote) but for some reason it wasnt enough to pass. there is a motion to reconsider pending.
advocate photograph that rep. karen carter peterson
was talking about during house floor debate - article

its amazing to us that former rapides parish school board member herbert dixon voted for HB 687 and against poor children. as usual ball, la. rethug chris hazel could be counted on to vote exactly the opposite of what his party says that they stand for. hazel is a total joke and a fraud republican wise.

rep. billy chandler voted no and we thank him for that. rep. chris roy, jr. was absent.
more later - including the house committee videos for HB 687
please see access dental louisiana @ www.accessdentalla.com the website of lafayette dentist gregory j. folse for more information.
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