17 October 2009

gannett puffs jimmy faircloth one last time

late thursday evening (15 october2009) gannett's alexandria, la. property the town talk posted a story out of monroe by johnny gunter the story was credited to gannett louisiana news.

we didnt know until friday morning that the story had apparently been thursday morning news in monroe.

that thursday evening 15 october story was originally captioned "faircloth agrees to drop reference of 'sanction' regarding finding." [click here for two page .pdf 15 kb] in this report gannett would have us believe that the judicial campaign oversight committee chairman meekly asked mr. faircloth "to stop referring to a ruling it made sept. 24 as a sanction against 4th district judge marcus clark." to which mr. faircloth gallantly agreed. it also gave mr. faircloth the opportunity to remind us all again about judge clark's inability to be ethical, blah,blah,blah.

by friday night however, the article had morphed into "faircloth drops 'sanction' reference, while campaign ads for clark still use it" [click here to download two page .pdf 21 kb]. the trick here is to implant into your mind that jimmy faircloth is complying with the judicial campaign ethics law and so forth while judge clark remains unethical...as usual.

judge clark has been put through the meat-grinder, for sure, but he deserves it though. he is a classic usurper and rino.

according to campaign literature paid for by the committee to elect jimmy faircloth that we picked up somewhere yesterday, under marcus clark's political party it says "lifelong democrat before switching parties to run for this race." sure thats from a faircloth ad and we have to assume that its been vetted and true and it goes back to marcus clark's ethics. is there hardly anything worse than a politician who switches parties because it's politically expedient? how can you trust someone like that? if they were honest wouldnt they would switch to independent or no party. democrat, republican they're just brands for repugnant politicians to wear dependent on which one we consumers are buying at the moment.

so dont worry about judge clark he'll be fine. the story here is about the media. see how a media monolith like gannett which controls probably two-thirds of louisiana state news and especially the news in this supreme court district can and does use its properties to shape the news and opinion while leaving out real news and information. thats not only wrong, its criminal.
the members of the louisiana judicial campaign oversight committee according to this undated fifty page [382 kb] .pdf about the judicial campaign oversight committee posted from the state supreme court website.
UPDATE in this [one page .pdf 21 kb] 17 october 2009 opinion piece from the editorialboard@thetowntalk.com the town talk complains about the campaign being "a waste." this is from the very same people who focused on lots of minutiae; suppressed real news and stage managed the media coverage of the entire campaign. incredible!
see also
eric hufschmid
the media criminals

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