11 April 2010

r.i.p. dixie carter

like a lot of people back in the day we didnt mind sitting through a "designing women" episode from time-to-time. if memory serves it aired on monday nights from cbs right after "newhart." newhart is another show that we always found entertaining.

somewhere along the way "murphy brown" was added to the cbs lineup that night and since it co-starred pineville, la., native faith ford we always tried to watch when we could.

our favorite dw character was julia sugarbaker played by ms. carter. our second favorite character was anthony bouvier played by meshach taylor. bouvier's tales of his "unfortunate incarceration" and his cell mate "t. tommy reed" were always a hoot.

we also liked dw because they had one of our favorite writers, lewis grizzard, on a couple of times to play one of julia and suzanne's crazy southern relatives.

as you can imagine julia sugarbaker was our fave due to the exquisiteness in ms. carter's delivery of her very well written lines when giving someone a much deserved dressing down.

a blog called popwatch on the entertainment weekly website assembled five video clips of what the blogger tim stack believes to be ms. carter's "five best 'designing women' moments."

dixie carter memorial at find-a-grave