03 November 2010

state of la v christopher bryan chenevert 3rd circuit reverses conviction; orders acquital in gun rights case

while mr. chenevert was wrong to have had a few "toddies" and shot off his pistol at three o'clock in the morning -- especially when there are elderly neighbors around who frighten easily -- the greater sin was the rapides parish sheriff's office + the rapides parish district attorney and 9th jdc judge john c. davidson's much ado about nothing prosecution.

what the rpso should have done was taken otis mr. chenevert and tossed him in the tank to sleep it off then around noon booted him out on the street. that would have been the end of it. no one, except maybe mr. chenevert, but especially the taxpayers, would have been out much..

with this case you can see how they are willing to squander tons of taxpayer dollars and time, the resources of our police and court system over nothing -- while all the while casting a blind eye at all the political, governmental and elite white collar criminals and corruption which continue unabated and unchallenged.

State of La. v. Chenevert 2nd Amendment Case 03 November 2010
source link 3rd circuit court of appeal