24 February 2011

sts-133 final flight of discovery


nasa.gov excerpt:
STS-133: Final Flight of Discovery

Workhorse, ambassador, scientist and equal opportunity emissary. Space shuttle Discovery has fulfilled all those roles over the course of its 352 days in space, thus far.

It’s been the first shuttle to venture into new territory several times, and it’s about to do so again: Following the STS-133 mission, Discovery will be the first of the shuttle fleet to retire.

“We’re wrapping up the Space Shuttle Program,” said STS-133 Commander Steve Lindsey. “Besides the excitement of completing the International Space Station and all the things we do, I hope people get a sense of the history of what the shuttle is and what we’ve done and what’s ending. Because they’ll probably never see anything like it flying again.” ~ read more

sts-133 launch replays
link to video watch/download page
see also
sts-133 mission information