08 August 2012

thomas & martha antoon along with several local realtors sued for failure to disclose defects in alexandria, la., garden district home

it's just our opinion -- of coz, but it seems that besides being so old, that a lot of homes in alexandria, la.'s, so called, garden district -- have a lot of problems.

if you're seriously considering buying one, you should also consider bringing in your own experts and inspectors, preferably from out of town and especially when you're dealing with an old patrician family, what, with their network of useful idiots and surrogates and all -- because the odds are that they are working together to benefit each other and not you.

the petition of robert campbell paul concerning a purchase in 2011 of immovable property located at 2420 vance avenue, styled, "suit for reduction in purchase price and damages;" is filed on his behalf by fred a. pharis, esq., of the pharis law offices;

made defendants besides thomas a. antoon and martha gravel antoon include: buelow-miller real estate, inc., janet rand whittle, louisiana lagniappe realty, llc and elaine fuqua setliff;

allotted to judge george c. metoyer, jr., of the ninth judicial district court.
click here to download thirteen page .pdf [340 kb]
