10 July 2006
dr john sams video blogged
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mayor of alexandria, louisiana series
alexandria mayoral candidate dr john sams went before the kalb-tv's camera to answer some questions. click the permalink or the link to view it - more later.
kalb snip:
Monday, July 10, 2006
Questions for Dr. John Sams
Dr. Sams answers your questions and outlines his plans.In our continuing series of interviews with candidates for Alexandria Mayor we have a conversation with Dr. John Sams. Sams has been making the rounds in Alexandria hailing himself as a man who will tell the truth even if that means being unpopular. Click below to see the whole interview and find out what his plans are for the Bentley Hotel, his comments about the recent dust up over Cleco and what he says to the charge that he is bombastic.
Make sure to place your comments or questions below as well.
see also advancealexandria.com dr sams website
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