21 July 2006
how to spend a gazilllion dollars in 90 minutes or less
.mp3 here
the louisiana state bond commission met yesterday. the meeting started a few minutes past 10 am cdt and adjourned at 11:24 am cdt. we are still so naive about louisiana state government. we could have recorded the entire meeting but we actually thought that the meeting would last all day and into the evening judging from the massive agenda the commission had to act on. the entire meeting was nothing but a rubber stamp for some mysterious staff because the guy sitting at the table (jerry luke leblanc?) would say words to the effect of "staff has already approved this" who elected this staff?
our very own cenla state rep charlie dewitt together with south louisiana's john alario providing most of the motions with little or no discussion. for instance charlie dewitt would motion to accept this or that agenda item and john alario would second or vice versa.
in fact the bond commission spent most of their time bemoaning the fact that there arent any (or enough) workers or contractors hmm wonder why. john hill covered this somewhat in his piece via the dead pelican in todays shreveport times see Lack of contractors, workers a problem in storm recovery.
anyway we began recording at agenda item:
93. 06-42 - Louisiana Community Development Authority (Duplessis Automotive Groupe,Inc. Project) - Not to exceed $15,000,000 Revenue Bonds, bearing interest at a fixed rate or rates not to exceed 8% and/or variable rate or rates not to exceed 14%, to mature not later than 25 years, acquisition and construction of a new automotive dealership facility to be located in the Parish of Ascension, expanding an existing automotive dealership facility located in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, funding a reserve fund, and funding a capitalized interest fund.and continued recording until the meeting was adjourned. listen to the meeting if you dare.
morgan keegan gulf opportunity zone
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