27 March 2007

ellington & tucker foti breaux letter

today, state senator noble ellington (d) and state representative jim tucker (r) wrote a letter (see link) to the louisiana attorney general charles foti to "urge you [foti] not to accept the request to render an opinion on this issue." now this is how nutty louisiana politicians are -- about the third paragraph down they write "The issue at hand [...] is a question of fact, not a question of law. As such, this question should be reserved for the courts to determine." sheesh. by the way just in case you're wondering...we arent voting for either piyush "bobby" jindal or senator john breaux in the so called "jungle primary" we are voting strictly for an independant third party candidate. although if it does come down to breaux v jindal in the runoff, then we will vote for senator breaux.

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