04 April 2007

desperate republicans pulling out all the stops

we are pleased to announce a new addition to the wst... nutty professor club...introducing...drum roll...john s. baker, jr of the lsu paul m. hebert law center.

perfesser baker has written a piece in the shreveport times (see link) in which he goes on about:
"If Attorney General Charles Foti issues a legal opinion defining the term "citizen" such that John Breaux appears qualified to run for governor, the state universities should brace for federal class-action lawsuits by out-of-state students claiming to be new Louisiana "citizens," entitled to in-state tuition..."
never mind that the part in the state constitution the attorney general is reviewing concerns the qualifications for running for a state wide office so how perfesser baker can somehow apply the attorney generals opinion - assuming that he decides that in his opinion senator breaux meets the constitutional qualification to run for a state wide office to mean the same would apply for the purposes of determining whether one is a citizen or not of louisiana for college tuition purposes escapes us. but in our defense we're not that bright anyway.

even if perfesser baker is right and the state's colleges and universities get sued - so what? tuition costs should be the same for everyone. if a preference to admission is given then it should be to someone born in louisiana.

we smell a rat in this whole thing anyway. the chancellor of lsu is one sean o'keefe. chancellor o'keefe is a partisan republican. he used to be the nasa administrator. in fact he was the administrator of nasa when the space shuttle columbia exploded over texas at 01 february 2003. that should give you a clue as to his administrator abilities. they had to stick this loser somewhere so guess who had to take it in the shorts. also, since chancellor o'keefe has been at lsu only members of the bush crime family have been allowed to give the yearly commencements.

a member of the lsu board of supervisors is one charles s. weems, iii of the scandalous gold-weems law firm. attorney weems, a republican is a major financial supporter of one republican gubernatorial candidate piyush "bobby" jindal. mr. weems is a member of "bobby's club" how quaint.

so considering all these things we suspect that this whole histrionic episode was orchestrated by the republican crime gang that has control of louisiana state university.
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