20 April 2009

obligatory '420' post: barry cooper 'never get busted again'

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originally posted 20 april 2008

dan the man from down at new orleans reminds us via his 'dan's legalization of marijuana' blog that today is "420" so we thought we better get with the program.

the below videos are put out by barry cooper.
Barry is an eight year veteran beginning his Texas law enforcement career as a police dispatcher for the Gladewater Police Department. He was soon hired by the Big Sandy Police Department where he trained his own narcotic detector dog and soon became one of the top highway interdiction officers in East Texas. Although Barry had less than five miles of highway to practice seizing narcotics, he held a county record of nearly one- hundred drug arrests and a record marijuana seizure.

Political pressures including arresting the mayor's son for methamphetamine, a city councilman for marijuana, and outperforming the DEA and local task force caused Barry to quit law enforcement and become a successful entrepreneur. During his career, Barry had accumulated an impressive record of over 300 felony narcotics arrests, 500 misdemeanor narcotics arrests, the seizure of over fifty vehicles and millions in cash and assets.

Barry now admits during his tour of duty in the war on drugs his conscience often bothered him while seeing everyday, hard working, non-violent citizens torn from their children and spouses and placed in jail during a raid or traffic stop.

Barry explains, "I knew what I was doing was wrong but my need for fame, adrenaline and peer acceptance overrode my good conscience." Barry now realizes this is a war on people not a war on drugs. He explains "This war on people is a failed policy. We have more prisoners of this war in jail then ever before yet even the DEA admits we have more potent drugs and a larger supply of drugs available than ever before." ~ read more



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