16 April 2009

mayhaws for sale

UPDATE: mayhaws for sale in central louisiana 2011
photo: louisiana mayhaw association

earlier today we saw a sign on the side of the road announcing mayhaws available and to telephone 318.445.7807.

so we phoned the number (it's a local call within the alexandria, la. exchange) and found out that a gentleman named george tuma has mayhaws and that the price is $6.00 per gallon.

if you would like to have some mayhaws, what mr. tuma would like for you to do is to leave your name and telephone number with him and when he has them ready -- depending on weather conditions but planning on having them from the first part of next week (the week of 19 - 25 april 2009) he will call you.
see also
lsu ag center
mayhaw - a louisiana native tradition
and also
louisiana mayhaw association
related posts
  • mayhaws ripe in central louisiana
  • elmer langston's mayhaws are ripe 2007

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