23 July 2009
christopher tidmore: anh cao has an opponent: juan lafonta
good! cao is a flake and a rino we hope that someone rides him out of his seat on a rail.
christopher tidmore just announced on his radio show that state rep. juan lafonta will challenge la-02 freshman congressman anh cao. according to tidmore, lafonta is real popular in the white, elite demcratic homosexual community, which is very wealthy and influential in the second district. also endearing lafonta to the homosexuals is that he has written the states hate crimes law.
others tidmore mentioned as running are state senator cheryl gray evans and gun-grabber state rep. cedric richmond.
certainly lafonta and richmond would make piss-poor congressmen. we dont follow the senate that much so we dont know anything about senator gray-evans but odds are that she sucks too.
maybe some more will throw their hat in the ring, cos anh cao is garbage and needs to go.
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